TITLE: ATHLETIC DIRECTOR REPORTS TO: Site Principal or Designee SUPERVISES: Staff and Coaches as assigned JOB GOAL: The Athletic Director is responsible for the general operations of all athletic programs, sports teams, and extracurricular activities as designated. The Athletic Director will assist in preparing athletic departmental budgets, hiring and training of coaches, and creating schedules for training and sporting events. QUALIFICATIONS: Master's Degree (preferred) Valid Arizona Department of Education Teaching Certificate (preferred) IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card (required) Three years experience teaching (preferred) Coaching experience (preferred) Experience working with diverse populations Ability to work with administration, teachers, parents, students, and outside vendors Ability to work independently PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities and duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Shares with the principal the responsibility for protecting the health and welfare of students. Administers the extracurricular program of the school, and responds to student initiated requests for specific new extracurricular clubs, activities, athletics and programs. Participates in the coordination, implementation, and supervision of extracurricular activities. Assists in the interpretation of school and district programs, policies, and procedures to students, parents, staff, and community. Assists in developing and administering practices dealing with campus control and security during extracurricular events. Assists with campus supervision during extracurricular events. Has general supervisory responsibility for student activities, athletic events, programs of student orientation, and similar activities. Provides training to all coaches regarding local and state laws and regulations. Attends all AIA and other meetings necessary to coordinate all aspects of extracurricular activities. Coordinates all aspects of the athletic department including, but not limited to, transportation, schedules, officiating, crowd control, facility uses, recruitment of coaches, coaches evaluations, fund raisers and events. Provide leadership and guidance for sports activities and programs. Ensures that all coaches and volunteers are vetted and cleared through the Human Resources office. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Administrative Salary Schedule Work calendar, work days, and work hours will vary according to accomplishing responsibilities and duties with extracurricular activities. Nights and weekends availability required. Benefits – All approved benefits for employees EVALUATION: Performance of this position will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board’s policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel. TRAVEL: Occasional travel may be required for site visits, meetings, trainings and/or conferences. Locations may vary. This job description is subject to change at any time. " />
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Athletic Director (SY 25/26)
Job Description
Primary Location Vista Grande High School
Salary Range $80,000.00 / Per Year
Shift Type Full-Time